What Causes Acne? A Comprehensive Guide
Several factors contribute to the development of acne, from genetics to the environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some of the most common causes of acne and take…
Dandruff – those tiny, flaky particles that can turn a confident stride into a self-conscious shuffle. As common as it is, dandruff can be embarrassing, but fear not – there’s…
Did you know June is National Acne Awareness Month? Here at DESSNA, we want to give you some of the most frequent things we are asked about Acne and our…
Did you know April is Rosacea Awareness Month? The National Rosacea Society (NRS) designates April as Rosacea Awareness Month to educate the public on the impact of this chronic and…
Do you have bothersome dry, scaly skin? Maybe it’s relentless acne or seemingly incurable dandruff. If so, you’re not alone. Skin diseases are ranked as the fourth most common cause…