Types of Skin Cancer


Skin cancer is more common than you may think – one out of five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Early detection is key when it comes to skin cancer. This allows your dermatologist to treat and remove the cancer more effectively. That said, it is crucial to know and understand the four main times of skin cancer. Find information on each below!


BCC is the most common type of skin cancer with more than four million people diagnosed yearly in the United States. This type of cancer develops on the epidermis on areas such as the face, scalp, ears, neck, shoulders, and back. This is a result of these areas most frequently being exposed to the sun. While BCC is typically localized, it does have the potential to  metastasize if not detected and treated early.


SCC develops on similar areas as BCC, however this type of cancer has the ability to grow more rapidly and metastasize if not detected early. SCC can be found on skin sore or in scars, and are usually found near signs of sun damage such as wrinkles or sun spots.


Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Melanomas commonly resemble skin spots or moles and unlike BCCs or SCCs, can be found anywhere on the body. It’s crucial to know your A, B, C, D, Es of melanoma and conduct regular skin checks for early detection.


MCC is a very rare, very aggressive type of skin cancer. MCC has a high risk of recurrence and metastasizing throughout the body. Unlike the other three types of skin cancer, MCC is caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus, but similarly, it can be found on areas of the skin most commonly exposed to the sun (ex: the head, neck, and eyelids).

Be sure to come see us for frequent skin checks! Give us a call to schedule today. (770) 971-3376

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