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QWO Cellulite Treatment

You deserve to feel good about your body.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a condition where bands of collagen, or septae, tether the skin to muscle. These dimples are caused by these taut cords tightening around pockets of fat beneath the dermal layer.

Over 85 % of women worldwide are affected by cellulite. Even though cellulite is a natural condition, 49 % of women surveyed were bothered “a great deal” by its appearance. Now, safe, effective prescription treatment is available.

What is a QWO Cellulite Treatment?

QWO is a prescription medicine made from enzymes called collagenases and is used to treat moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. These enzymes target and release the septae that tether skin. It is the first and only FDA-approved treatment for cellulite!

The Details

QWO Cellulite treatment is generally administered in three injections given 21 days apart. A DESSNA professional will mark the dimples to be treated and the QWO serum will be injected into the marked areas.

  • Injections take as little as 10 – 30 minutes per treatment.
  • Some tenderness and moderate bruising will occur but typically resolves within a couple of weeks.
  • Recovery time is minimal. No lower body workouts for the first 72 hours after the procedure.
  • Results are measured at the end of the course of treatment- approximately 10 weeks after the first injection.

Say Goodbye to Cellulite!

Contact our DESSNA Aesthetics team for a consultation to determine if QWO Cellulite injections are right for you.